Thursday, May 13, 2010

Off to the Auckland festival!

It's fair to say that real life has thoroughly got in the way of the writing life of late, hence my absence from the blogosphere and all things writing-related. However, I am happy to say the drought will be broken this weekend when I appear at the Auckland Writers & Readers Festival.

I love the Auckland festival. I attend every year, whether I'm participating or not (the last time I appeared was 2007). It's a chance to see some great local and international authors and it's also a great social time, where I can catch up with many friends from all over the country without having to make any appointments at all - we just bump into each other at the Aotea Centre or one of the associated parties. I usually fly up alone and stay at a nearby hotel and get to have some 'me' time.

This year, despite being there in my author capacity, it'll be a more subdued affair for me - in on Friday, out on Saturday - with too much of the aforementioned real life preventing me from hanging out and relaxing. But I am very much looking forward to my session: Saturday at 11.30 am in the Upper NZI Room at the Aotea Centre, alongside my good friend Paula Morris and a very able chairperson, Dorothy Vinnicombe, who always reads the books carefully and asks great questions. Come along - and guess what? It's FREE! So what have you got to lose? Paula is always excellent value - sharp and very funny. I'll try my best to match her.

More details can be found here. See you there!


Mary McCallum said...

Oh good luck, Rachael! You'll slay them. Wish I could be there but 'real life' has prevented such luxury. I'll watch with interest from a distance... And good to see you back on 'blog'.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael,
best of luck at the festival. I'll be there somewhere in the audience, rooting and cheering. Cheers,
Tristan de Chalain
author of Wolf's paw

Rachel Fenton said...

So near and yet...wish I could have come to this - maybe next year. May real life be kinder to us all.

Great to see you back in blog land.