Little Tweeters Necklace from mammaslittlebabies at

Wishing I was wearing:
Ashley dress from Trashy Diva

Listening to:

Lindy hop!
Playing with:
A ball - a lot! With my son.

A crazy mix of blogs by women who are heavily into clothes. Blame a cat of impossible colour for introducing me. These aren't shallow blogs by fashionistas wanting the latest Prada handbag; they are usually about creative things to do with home-made and thrift store clothes. I am rediscovering my 20 year obsession with vintage clothes.
Sometimes there is life outside of writing, we just don't talk about it on blogs about writing.
fab dress, Know what you mean. One can go seriously cross eyed writing with the chain around the ankle to the desk. Funny thing is, it is always when I get away from the desk that I get the flashes of insight that I desperately tried to thrash out....
play for writers is seriously under rated. more play!
love Beruit too. Have got the Decemebrists on at the mo, do you know them, you may like?
Rachel! Thank you for that wonderful distraction (from selling, not writing books) and thanks for reminding me about Beirut, and directing me to Trashy Diva *wants*
here's something you may be interested in too...
Hi GG - no I don't know them, will check them out. I love Beirut, love the gypsy sound.
In Real Time - thanks for the link - have been checking that out for a while, thinking about joining but all my clothes I'm not wearing are in Wellington while I'm in Chch. Just the fact that I chose to leave them behind indicates to me that they would be perfect for swapping!
Yes, Cat of Impossible Colour and you, Rachael, have introduced me to these crazy fashion/craft blogs. They are very diverting! (and - ahem - I see them as research for the book because one of my characters is into vintage clothes.) Cat of Impossible Colour especially makes me smile with her vivacity and her yellow shoes.
ooo Carnivale, I saw that, loved it, but not sure what happened, confused my poor narrative you know what happened at the end....? oh helP!
I'm only 6 episodes into Carnivale and loving it! I'll report back when I reach the end. It was only on TV here at about 11pm on a Friday night, so I decided to wait and buy the DVD.
Haha, oh dear, sorry. Glad you're enjoying the blogs, though! (I misstyped 'bogs' instead of 'blogs' first time, which put a whole different spin on things).
That necklace is absolutely gorgeous. And I really want to watch Carnivale - will have to track down the DVD. And Deadwood, actually - have you watched that one?
I think I owe you a coffee for all the added procrastination tools I have given you. Are you free one day next week?
Hi Rach
thanks for the necklace link - I'm lusting after it now...
if you like fashion blogs, you should have a look at my friend's blog:
she's promised not to buy any new clothes for a year, and just use what she's got.
Tell her I sent you! xJ
love the clothes in Carnivale too
Thanks Jenn. GG - that's half the fun!
Love the necklace and dress too!
I know what you mean about blogging also! I have actually been encouraged to blog 'personal asides' more often. Apparently it builds on the personality found in my book reviews! (this from a publisher) Anyhoo, my birthday post was kinda like that. 3 YouTube clips of things I am incredibly enthused about. Big smiley things :-D
Loving your blog Rachael.
Thanks Angela, I like yours too. I'm also intrigued by the title of your novel - Smoking and Dancing. Can't wait to see it in book form!
Sorry - I mean Smoke & Dancing. Probably means something entirely different!
Beirut are also a lot like Rufus Wainright and Divine Comedy mixed together? so young, so clever, a wunderkind
Yeah, I went for the ampersand but that may change. I haven't shopped it around yet, even after winning the Varuna masterclass. Fear? Hmm.. but I'll be sure to let you know the day it has a cover. Thanks!
I'm definitely in simpatico with your taste Rachael ... gggrrr want that necklace!
Beirut is quite magical. I've just started listening to "Who killed Amanda Palmer", an album by the singer from the Dresden Dolls. I reckon you might like it. She's an intriguing writer and love her vintage style
Thanks Kebabette - I'm just waiting for her video to load now (for some reason you tube videos are taking a while on my work computer). Yes, isn't teh necklace gorgeous? I lkove etsy - but it is VERY dangerous. You can go in there and do a search on anything that interests you - for example, go to jewellery and type in 'tattoos', or 'Victorian' or 'circus' (all weird searches I made which yileded some wonderful stuff) and see what comes up. I looked up '1920s headpieces' when I was going to a speakeasy party and got inspired. The prices are good, the postage reasonable and swift.
;) I felt guilty for a while when I wrote about things-not-related-to-writing on Planting Words, but I couldn't stop...
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