A few people have asked me to post photos of my office. I think there is a whole new phenomenon here - office porn, or, the art of looking at writers' desks. I am happy to oblige. So here they are: I have two desks, one with the obligatory pin-board with inspiring pictures, photos, index cards etc, and the other housing my computer. Above that are the images from A Cabinet of Curiosities. I have included the outlook from the window, although it was the university holidays when this was taken, so there are no students sullying the view!
I am happy to inform my readers that if they like the look of what they see, my position as the Ursula Bethell writer in residence at Canterbury University is up for grabs next year. For details of how to apply, go here. I can't recommend it enough - an office, a computer, a salary, access to the library (and gym!) and almost complete solitude. I can go for days without talking to a soul, but if I need company, it's easy enough to find, too. A very productive environment for any serious writer.

sexy workspace Rachael, sigh
what/who is the postcard/photo of the lady in pants?
Daphne Du Maurier! Funnily enough, when I moved down to Christchurch to take up the position, I just grabbed a handful of postcards from my collection. At that stage I had no idea that Rebecca and Jane Eyre were going to feature so strongly in my novel. One of the other postcards i grabbed at random is that sketch of Charlotte Bronte!
I like your office :) Particularly the inspiration board ... I have a fascination with them.
Have you seen this website?
I don't think they're updating it any longer, but the archives are worth a look.
yes I ahev seen it, thanks. You will notice that I haven't actually posted photos of my desks, but only of the wall above the desk. This is because I am somewhat untidy and I didn't want to ruin the pretty pictures with plastic bags, tissues, drink bottles and piles of paper, and I don't know if anyone would believe that I actually get work done in this mess.
I'm a big fan of office porn. I always like to see how people organize their work space.
Love the view, too, out of what I guess is your office window!
Oh, makes me want to come visit...
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